Vocab Words Week 12 Mr. Matzka
abstruse (adj) difficult to understand
boisterous (adj) Louder than need be
exacerbate (verb) to make more sharp or severe
fastidious (adj) hard to please
gregarious (adj) fond of company
kerchief (noun) square of linen, silk or other material used as a covering for the head or neck
loquacious (adj) talkative
menagerie (noun) a collection of wild animals, especially when kept for exhibition
necromancer (noun) one who practices the art of foretelling the future by means of communication with the dead
paraphernalia (noun) miscellaneous articles of equipment for an activity
quintessence (noun) the most essential part of anything
retrogression (noun) a going or moving backward or in a reverse direction
sequacious (adj) lacking independence or originality
transient (noun) lasting only for a short time
ubiquitous (adj) being present everywhere