ehannigan A-16 Miss Hannigan, Ms. Guagliardo & Mrs. Gaskill’s Weekly Newsletter Week of 11/26/18 Lessons of the Week: Marshmallow Shapes: Students used marshmallows and toothpicks to make shapes. Rosie’s Walk: Students read and discussed the story “Rosie’s Walk.” Goldilocks and the Rhythm Sticks: During large group time, students used rhythm sticks to tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 5 Little Monkeys: During large group time, students acted out the song “5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.” Skills Addressed: Shapes Fine Motor Skills Book Knowledge Music Movement Tip of the Week: Please send in a WINTER pair of clothes for your child! Classroom Needs: Thank you for all of the donations, they are greatly appreciated! Special Information: 12/21 Early Dismissal Day 12/24- 1/1 NO SCHOOL REMINDER: Please send your child in an appropriate jacket every day, along with a hat, gloves, scarf, etc. We go outside as long as it is above 32 degrees! Please send in a family photo for us to hang in the classroom! NOTE: Make sure you check your child’s folder & communication book each night and return it to school. Contact Us: ehannigan