Interactions among organisms
Did you notice that the predator and prey oscillate (cycle up and down) with each other in population size? There is a slight lag in time between the increase and decrease of their numbers because one is directly affecting the other. Predation Predation is an interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism. The organism doing the capturing is called the predator and the organism being captured is called the prey. The predator and prey have a close relationship, where they depend upon each other closely. Take a look at the following graph that describes a typical predator/prey relationship:
Symbiosis Symbiosis is any close association between two species that share some sort of relationship. The three types of symbiosis are mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism.
TedEd Video- Parasites
Ted Ed Video: Symbiosis/Coevolution
Let’s review Symbiosis! Hold up an M, S or P to show your answer…wait for me to tell you when!
What Limits Growth at Carrying Capacity? Limiting Factors So if a population has reached carrying capacity and slowed population growth - what might be the cause? Things that slow growth are called limiting factors; they may reduce the birth rate and/or increase the death rate. Limiting factors can be placed in one of two categories:
Decide whether it is describing a density DEpendent or density Independent: