diffident: adjective definition: lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness restrained or reserved in manner or conduct
diffident pronunciation: dif-i-duh nt
diffident related forms: noun diffidence adverb diffidently
diffident synonyms self-conscious timid unassuming withdrawn reluctant shy
diffident The diffident umpire was reluctant to call the close play.
diffident Mona Lisa’s ambiguous smile may have masked her diffident personality.
diffidently The sun diffidently peeked out from behind the cloud.
diffidently The awkward boy diffidently asked the girl to dance.
diffidence diffidence The man’s stymied his ability to speak in public.
diffidence Virtually paralyzed by his diffidence, the Cowardly Lion sought help from the Wizard of Oz.
diffidence Though Marilyn Monroe appears confident, her demise is often attributed to her diffidence.