Shame on you 1. Shame Uncovered Gen 3v6-24 Before the Fall There was no shame Gen 2v25 After the Fall To a greater/lesser degree many live with shame What is shame? Fear of exposure with the need to cover up Humanity only needed to trust God’s Word Gen 2v16-17 A lack of trust in God’s Word brought shame v6-7 With sin comes shame So they cover it up v7 ‘Nakedness’ = total exposure, body, soul, heart, mind They try to hide their shame from each other v7-8 Try to hide their shame from God v8
Shame on you 1. Shame Uncovered Gen 3v6-24 God gives them a chance to come out of hiding, uncover v9 A chance to fess up, come clean They shift the blame and switch the shame v12-v13 By covering & hiding, their shame increased v22-24 Whatever it is, tell God all about it Ps 139v23-24 It’s not the end of the story The Saviour is promised v15 God Himself provides a covering for sin & shame v21, Jn 1v29