Kwakitlus (SEMI-NOMADIC: moved around a lot) Location: Northwest by the coast on sandy beaches Climate: Mild and rainy climate *Spring, summer, and fall: went fishing * Winter: stayed home had potlatches (celebrations) Food: The Kwakituls ate salmon. There was surplus of salmon. Shelter: Long houses made from cedar trees. Built totem poles from cedar trees as a way to protect their houses Clothing: was made from shredded tree bark Resource(s): salmon and cedar trees: canoes, houses, totem poles How does the geography of the land affect the Kwakituls? * There was a lot of rain in the Pacific Northwest. The soil was not good for growing crops. Therefore, the Kwakituls relied on the trees and salmon for survival. The surplus of fish, allowed for the Kwaituls to feast for days during the winter months. They did not have to go fishing for resources.
Nez Perce (SEMI-NOMADIC : moved around sometimes) Location: Columbia Plateau region between the Cascades and Rockies Climate: Mild and rainy climate Spring: Went fishing Summer and Fall: Gathered Plants and berries Winter: Ate what was preserved/ left over during the year Food: Salmon, plants and berries Shelter: Long houses made from cedar trees. Built totem poles from cedar trees as a way to protect their houses Clothing: was made from shredded tree bark Resource(s): salmon, Plants and berries and cedar trees: canoes, houses, totem poles How does the geography of the land affect the Nez Perce? * There was a lot of rain in the Pacific Northwest. The soil was not good for growing crops. Therefore, the Nez Perce, much like the Kwakituls, relied on the trees and salmon for survival.
Inuits (NON-NOMADIC : did not move around) Location: Artic Region in Alaska, Greenland, and Canada Climate: Cold Food: Whales, Seals, Caribou Shelter: igloos, shelter made of stones, wood, and caribou skins Clothing: clothes made from caribou skins Resource(s): Whales, seals, caribou, fish, ice, snow How does the geography of the land affect the Inuits? * The Inuits are located in the artic regions of the world. It is extremely cold there. Therefore, growing crops was not an option. The ground was always cold and hard. The inuits had to pack blocks of snow and ice together to create their homes, and wear heavy clothing made from caribou skins to keep warm. They relied on the whales, caribou and seals for food to survive.
Hopi (NON-NOMADIC : did not move around) Location: Soutwest: Arizona Climate: Hot and Dry Food: 3 sisters: Corn, squash and beans Shelter: adobe pueblo houses Clothing: grasses, clay, Resource(s): irrigation to grow crops How does the geography of the land affect the Hopi? * The Hopi lived in the Southwest, where the land is very hot and dry. They relied on irrigation in order to grow crops such as corn, beans, and squash.
Pawnee (SEMI-NOMADIC : moved around sometimes) Location: Eastern Plains in Nebraska and Kansas Climate: Hot, rainy, mildly wet Food: easy to grow agriculture (farm) corn beans and squash Shelter: earth lodges : made from bark, earth, grass teepees: easy carry around Clothing: Buffalo skins, bark, and grass Resource(s): Spring and Winter, Hunted BUFFALO used for food, clothing, shelter, tools Summer and Fall: hunt and gathered berries How does the geography of the land affect the ____________________?
Comanche – NOMADIC (moved around a lot) Location: Western Plains Climate: Hot and dry Food: NOT easy to grow agriculture (farm) Shelter: teepees: easy carry around Clothing: Buffalo skins, bark, and grass Resource(s): BUFFALO used for food, clothing, shelter, tools How does the geography of the land affect the Comanche? *The Comanche lived in the western plains. The climate was very hot and dry. Growing crops was not an option. There were many buffalo that lived in the area, and provided the Comanche with food, clothing, shelter, and tools. They followed the buffalo. It was their “staple” resource.
Seminoles Location: Florida Climate: Hot and rainy Food: fish, corn, melons, beans Shelter: Chickees Clothing: woven grass and fur Resource(s): fish, corn, melons, beans, rivers, birds How does the geography of the land affect the ____________________?
Vocabulary Staple: main crop Potlatch: a celebration that lasts for many days Irrigation: a way of watering plants using a long tube that helps water travel from rivers to the crops Nomad: a person who moves around a lot Migration: moving from one place to the other Non-nomadic: do not move around a lot Semi-nomadic: move around sometimes Surplus: a lot, more than enough, too much Adobe: clay Pueblo: Spanish for town