PXD Alarms Florian Lütticke luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Sources https://stash.desy.de/projects/B2G/repos/pxd_sc_documents/browse/Alarm%20Definitions luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Minor Alarm: Deviation from normal condition which do not directly What is an Alarm? Major alarm: A state which might be harmful for the PXD hardware OR might yield to bad data Not automatically recoverable Needs detector operation to stop immediately Needs (manual) shifter intervention Minor Alarm: Deviation from normal condition which do not directly Needs shifter intervention (perhaps at next run stop) Does not need detector operation to stop. Example: Loosing a link to the DHP NOT AN ALARM: Script for automatic link recovery needed. Automatic link recovery can’t recover link What should the shifter do? luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Alarm Reasons System safety Data quality Data transport Environment sensors Component power supply issues (Primary PS, DHH power/temp, ONSEN power/temp) -> Major alarms PXD Voltages ( anything in voltage limit, strange currents etc.) -> Major and Minor alarms Data quality Data transport luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Alarm Reasons System safety Data quality -> Mostly Minor alarms, should come from Express Reco or BonnDAQ Raw data differs from uploaded pedestals Common mode is large High occupancy -> Major alarm when extremely high! (unmasked) Hot pixels -> Major if many or strange pattern appears Cluster signal differs from expectation Frame size (bytes or hits) Number of frames vs number of triggers Data transport luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Data transport Either automatic correction or Major Alarm Alarm Reasons System safety Data quality Data transport Either automatic correction or Major Alarm DHP->DHE DHE->DHC DHC->ONSEN DATCON->ONSEN HLT->ONSEN FTSW(Trigger)->DHC ONSEN->EVB DHH Internal links ONSEN Internal links DATCON Internal links Trigger missmatches, full buffers, crc errors, luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Minor Alarms Use as “reminder” of what the shifter has to do before the next run starts. E.g.: Pedestals need to be refreshed Noisy pixel need to be updated For Pedestals: We should implement an alarm which already tells if taken pedestals are ok Kind of an expert system judging the calculated pedestals and giving advice to the shifter. Pedestal too low/high Increase gate_onX or Increase SubIn/SubOut Redo Offsets luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Major Alarm on too high/low DCD voltages, DHP voltages PXD Voltages - Alarms Major Alarm on too high/low DCD voltages, DHP voltages Minor Alarm on Source current (could be due to radiation damage) Which alarm for steering voltages? (Major?) luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de
Alarms should have a “solution hint”, which the shifter could try. TODO: This is just a start. We need to define individual alarms. Alarms should have a “solution hint”, which the shifter could try. luetticke@physik.uni-bonn.de