Approaches to Ablate Persistent in 2019: The Problems with Mapping AF Gregory F. Michaud, MD Professor of Medicine Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Chief, Arrhythmia Service VHVI Western AF 2019 Park City , UT
Disclosures 2019 Boston Scientific – Honoraria Medtronic – Honoraria St Jude Medical – Honoraria Biosense-Webster – Honoraria Biotronik – Honoraria Pfizer – Consulting S4 Medical - Consulting
Targets to Enhance Success of Persistent AF Identification and ablation of triggers Atrial fibrosis/scar Ganglionated plexus ablation Anatomic: PVI, posterior LA, LAA isolation? Identifying and ablating critical mechanisms for persistence Foci Rotors ????
Nattel Circ Research 2018
Rotors Wavefronts bend and possibly break when they encounter complex anatomy or tissue heterogeneity Wavefronts under certain conditions can rotate around a phase singularity which represents the point of maximal curvature, slowest conduction velocity and shortest refractory period Unlike reentry in the leading circle theory, the core of rotors can migrate
Phase Singularities Tend to Move Waks, Josephson Arrhythmia Electrophysiol Rev 2014
Experimental sheep models of atrial fibrillation with optical mapping show rotors (after some math) Gray RA, Pertsov AM, Jalife J. Spatial and temporal organization during cardiac fibrillation. Nature. 1998; 392:75–78.
Rotors demonstrated by FIRM phase mapping are often stable Compared with optical mapping, basket catheters have low resolution Not a unifying theory based on other data Naryan
Some mapping systems do not rely on contact electrodes: meandering rotation Cardioinsight Haissaguerre Circ 2014 Acutus high density noncontact intracardiac map
Alternative hypotheses raised by activation mapping in humans… Alessie, Waldo and Kalman
Two-Layer Hypothesis in Long-Standing Persistent AF Numerous, transient and widespread epi to endo (or the other way around) breakthrough de Groot NMS, Houben RP, Smeets JL, et al. Circulation. 2010;122:1674-1682.
Hansen, JACCEP 2017 Jun;3(6):531-546. doi: 10.1016 Federov lab OSU
Surgical Epicardial Mapping of Persistent AF Patients Activation sequence maps of bipolar and unipolar activation (500 electrodes for 32 s) No reentry was observed Foci – drivers (QS) and breakthroughs Lee S, Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015 Oct 23
Wannabe reentry Lee S, Sahadevan J, Khrestian CME, Cakulev I, Markowitz A, Waldo AL, Simultaneous bi-atrial high density (512) electrodes) epicardial mapping of persistent atrial fibrillation in patients: new insights into mechanism of its maintenance. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015 Oct 23;doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.017007.
Continued obstacles to AF mapping… From preclinical data, AF mapping requires high resolution, simultaneously and continuously recorded electrograms. Complex transformation is required to get from EGMs to phase maps, which may create artifact, particularly in low resolution systems. Epicardial and endocardium are dissociated. Focal sources may actually represent breakthrough points and not clear targets. How do we interpret what we’re seeing without a solid understanding of predominant mechanisms?
Thank you