How do you impact our environment? Human Impact How do you impact our environment?
Declining Ozone Lies b/w 17-26km above Earth’s surface Absorbs 99% of the UV radiation that reaches Earth Chemicals that destroy ozone: CFC’s: (coolants in refrigerators, air conditioners, and aerosol cans) Breaks down ozone Production of CFC’s has been cut and Ozone can be replenished.
Increasing CO2 Concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere influences how much heat from the sun is trapped in the atmosphere. Scientist believe there is a correlation between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and temperature changes. “The Inconvenient Truth”
Population Growth Doubling the human population may very well mean: increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. Decreasing the Ozone layer Clearing and burning of forests Loss of Biodiversity
Biodiversity Crisis Biodiversity: the variety of organisms in a given area. ~10-30 million species on Earth. Humans are causing species to become extinct much faster than in the past.
What is the greatest threat to biodiversity? The rapid destruction of natural habitats to provide for the needs and wants of a growing human population. Destruction to the Rain forest is especially damaging to biodiverstiy.
The importance of biodiversity Nonutilitarian value: Belief that life forms have value simply because they exist Utilitarian value: The economic benefit biodiversity provides to humans. Plants and animals can be harvested for food, trees to build homes and produce fuel.
Ways to save biodiversity Debt for nature swap: poor countries pay off debt by promising to take steps to preserve it’s biodiversity. Ecotourism: having people pay to see parts of a countries ecosystem helps raise money to save biodiversity. Conservation: seeks to identify and maintain natural areas. Restoration: replacing resources where they have been diminished.
Where can you get information about conservation? (ROAR)