Inter-agency Group Update on the activities of the Inter-Agency Coordination Group for Industrial and Chemical Accidents
Objectives of the group The Inter-Agency Coordination Group aims to Strengthen international cooperation for improving the prevention of, preparedness for and response to chemical and industrial accidents Improve the use of resources and avoid potential duplication of work across the agencies Facilitate understanding and coordination of the programmes of each agency Carry a common message to the international community on the importance of the prevention, preparedness and response to chemical accidents as being among the key elements associated with the sound management of chemicals. l l
Open membership International bodies with programs/projects related to industrial and chemical accidents Regular participants include European Commission (ENV, JRC, ECHO) OECD OPSC UNECE UNEP UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit UNISDR WHO … l l
Recent activities 2016/2017 4th meeting (15 April 2016, UNEP OCHA, Geneva) New member: UNEP Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) Secretariat Special session on clean-up and recovery, delivered by the UNEP Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch Agreed to jointly contribute to work related to the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Action on Disaster Risk Reduction l l
Recent activities 2016/2017 Development of a joint brochure Publication with support of OECD Publication expected in Q1/2017 To showcase existing work of agencies / programms and projects Prevent dublication of work Foster cooperation l l
Upcoming activities 5th meeting (spring 2017, DG ENV, Brussels) Focus on EU projects / programmes Update on activities of agencies Joint activities and events Next host l l
Thank you for your attention Aléxandros Kiriazis European Commission DG Environment Unit C.4 1049 Brussels Belgium