Mortuary and Cremation Forms How you can help After Death Mortuary and Cremation Forms How you can help
Mortuary How many spaces do you think we have? How many patients die each week? What is the most amount of patients to die in one week?
What do I do? 1. Help with notifications 2a If the patient is being buried - Ask the funeral director to collect. 2b If the patient is being cremated - Arrange the Crem Form Part 4 with a HITW Ward Doctor Arrange the Crem Form Part 5 with an external doctor. Ask the funeral Director to collect
Cremation Form Part 4
Cremation Form Part 5
What do I do? 1. Help with notifications 2a If the patient is being buried - Ask the funeral director to collect. 2b If the patient is being cremated - Arrange the Crem Form Part 4 with a HITW Ward Doctor Arrange the Crem Form Part 5 with an external doctor. Ask the funeral Director to collect