“Day D” Feb. 1, 2016 English Science Math Express/Mandarin LUNCH (2nd lunch) Exploratory Social Studies
DO NOW: Take out packet w/ H.W. Feb. 1, 2016 Take out packet w/ H.W. Using the formula V= l x w x h, find the volume of a right rectangular prism when the length of the prism is 15cm, the width is 4cm, and the height is 5cm. -(-5)
I will be able to demonstrate my understanding of: Feb. 1, 2016 I will be able to demonstrate my understanding of: relationships of operations and use them to generate equivalent expressions the meaning of exponents to write and evaluate numerical expressions with whole number exponents and variables; understand that a letter in an expression can represent a number So that I can complete my study guide independently or with my partner with at least 80% accuracy. 6.EE.A1, 6.EE.A2c, 6.EE.A3, 6.EE.A4
Feb. 1, 2016 H.W. Check “STUDY GUIDE” QUIZ Tomorrow!
Feb. 1, 2016 Homework CHECK: Page 31
Feb. 1, 2016 Homework CHECK: Page 31
Homework CHECK: Page 38
How do you feel? topic.
Use “Study Guide” and PACKET to prepare for tomorrow’s QUIZ Feb. 1, 2016 Use “Study Guide” and PACKET to prepare for tomorrow’s QUIZ Number Sense MCAS prep due by Wednesday.
Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners Feb. 1, 2016