David Hockney Painter Photographer Artist
Paintings A visit to California, where he subsequently lived for many years, inspired him to make a series of paintings of swimming pools in the comparatively new acrylic medium rendered in a highly realistic style using vibrant colors.
A Bigger Splash, 1967
Other Painting styles… Bold Bright colors Abstract shapes “Picasso” inspired cubist style
Photo collages created these photomontage works mostly between 1970 and 1986. referred to them as "joiners". began this style of art by taking Polaroid photographs of one subject and arranging them into a grid layout. The subject would actually move while being photographed so that the piece would show the movements of the subject seen from the photographer's perspective. In later works he changed his technique and moved the camera around the subject instead.
Hockney's creation of the "joiners" occurred accidentally Hockney's creation of the "joiners" occurred accidentally. He noticed in the late sixties that photographers were using cameras with wide-angle lenses to take pictures. He did not like such photographs because they always came out somewhat distorted.
The Artist’s Mom
It took over 700 photographs to create this work. Pearblossom Highway, 11-18th April 1986 #2 1986 (190 Kb); Photographic collage, 198 x 282 cm (78 x 111 in);
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Sample Works
The Photographer Adde Adesokan does simple triptych style photo collages.
You will be creating your own “joiners” photo collage. Assignment!! You will be creating your own “joiners” photo collage. Pick a subject (a landscape, a person, a still-life, whatever you want that will make an interesting composition.) Using your camera take at least 50 photos of the subject from multiple angles, viewpoints and directions. Take some up close, take some farther back. Print the photos ( at least 25 of them in a 3/5 or 4/6 size), print them at Wallgreens, Target, Walmart, or your house if you have photo paper. You can print them in black and white, or color, or a combo of both!! You can print more then 25 if you want. Change some of the sizes to 4/6, some could even be 8/10. Bring your printed photos to class on Monday (May 7th) and we will start to collage them together!
He was working on a painting of a living room and terrace in Los Angeles. He took Polaroid shots of the living room and glued them together, not intending for them to be a composition on their own. Upon looking at the final composition, he realized it created a narrative, as if the viewer was moving through the room.
Things to remember!!!!!!! When taking your pictures remember to move yourself around, back and forth, up close and far back. Think of taking a panoramic photo with multiple photos. Print at least 25 photos, no more then 50. Print them in at least the 3/5 size. Print some in different sizes if you want. Bring them to class Monday, May 7th If you can’t print them have your pictures on a flash drive ready for me to print here. If I will be printing them for you, you MUST have them ready on a flash drive or SD card by Friday May 4th given to me by the end of the day!!!!!!