Nov 19, 2009 Atlanta, GA Session #64 802.16m Closing Report Nov 19, 2009 Atlanta, GA Session #64 11/19/2009 801.16m-09/0052
802.16m Closing Report – Atlanta Into Session #64: LB 30a: 61% return rate; 56% approval Unresolved Comments on D2 Amendment Text (Letter Ballot #30a; 802.16-09/0058r1) 1102 unresolved non-editorial: 551 MAC Accepted - 267 320 PHY Accepted – Modified - 513 231 Misc Rejected - 367 466 editorial comments 45 editorials converted to Technical Several thousand reply comments 453 contributions 203 MAC 160 PHY 38 Femto 5 Multi-BS MIMO 21 Relay 10 SON 5 LBS 11 e-MBS 11/19/2009 801.16m-09/0052r1
802.16m Closing Report- Atlanta Plan for the week: Resolve ALL Letter Ballot comments Completed! Three Primary comment resolution groups on PHY, Upper MAC and Lower MAC during daytime hours Organized evening Ad–Hocs on Idle & Sleep, Handover, Security, Addressing and Headers, MultiCarrier, Femto, MIMO and E-MBS/Relay to resolve LB comments received on those topics. The Ad-Hocs were EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL Authorized the Editor to create P802.16m/D3 based on the comment resolutions contained in 802.16m-09/0058r3 and request WG LB recirc 11/19/2009 801.16m-09/0052r1
802.16m Closing Report- Atlanta Motion to WG: Request that the WG initiate a WG LB #30b recirculation on P802.16m/D3, in which the entire draft is open for comment. 11/19/2009 801.16m-09/0052r1