PRRS 2011-12 Highlights
2,300 Families Served Over 2,300 unduplicated families were served. This is the data that was compiled from screen 3, Contacts by Gender
8,915 Individual Family Contacts Families received individualized contacts through face to face contact, phone, email, and other sources The 8,915 is the sum of screen 6, Face to Face Contacts – New (unduplicated) YTD = 1,117 + Other Contacts – New (unduplicated) YTD = 7.798. 1,117 + 7,798 = 8,915 Most common duplicated Face to Face contact type was: In the FRC office – 56% At a home visit – 25% At a hospital visit – 8% Other F2F visit – 11% Most common duplicated Other Contact type was: Phone – 53% Email – 6% Mail – 40% Other – 1%
11,751 Types of support, information, resources and referrals During those individualized contacts families were provided 11,751 different types of support, information, resources and referrals to community services. The most common were; providing emotional support and listening to a situation or family concern, providing referrals to community service and providing assistance negotiating to obtain a Community Service. This number comes from screen 6 – Contact Purpose and is a duplicated count
1,110 presentations, exhibits and other outreach activities 1,110 presentations, exhibits and other outreach activities were held at state and local events, meetings and conferences to provide information about PRRS. This information is from screen 13 and the work done by PRRS Coordinators, Linda Landry and Juno Duenas, PRRS Director and Debbie Sarmento.
27,169 Parents and professionals received information about PRRS 27,169 parents and professionals received information about PRRS through the outreach efforts of the Early Start Family Resource Centers (ESFRC's) and Family Resource Centers Network of California (FRCNCA). This information is also from screen 13, Outreach Demographics Parents represented 49% of the outreach Professionals represented 51% of the outreach
INFRASTRUCTURE PRRS just started this year and there was a lot to do! The following gives you an idea of the work behind the scenes:
PRRS Staff PRRS Director PRRS Fiscal Administrator PRRS Data Administrator PRRS Coordinator
41 contracts to provide PRRS statewide
31 Customizable PRRS documents and brochures in English, Spanish and Chinese 31 template documents and brochures describing PRRS services to families and professionals that are designed to be customized by local ESFRC's have been developed and are available on the website. Documents designed for families are available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
28 PRRS forms and resources available on 28 forms and resource documents to assist ESFRC's in their work with families are also available on the website.
20 Training and technical assistance webinars & conference calls for ESFRC Directors and staff. 20 Trainings and Technical Assistance webinars/conference calls and Professional Development meetings have been offered for ESFRC Directors and PRRS staff.
PRRS Members-Only webpage PRRS members-only webpage has been developed on the website to house the PRRS data collection tool, documents and resources, training materials, commonly used forms and training and technical assistance calendar.
107 20 Data fields to collect aggregate data 8,915 27,169 31 28 2,300 1,110 107 Data fields to collect aggregate data 11,751 Web-based data collection tool with 107 data fields has been developed to assist in collecting aggregate data from the 41 **Please note that we are always working to enhance our data collection and we know have 134 data fields to allow us to more accurately capture the Referrals to Community Services and Types of Outreach being done by the FRC’s throughout the State 8,915 27,169 31
Continue to refer high risk and medically fragile children
For more information please contact PRRS Director Susan Roddy Please add your local contact information here.