Intraoperative Cell Salvage UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Intraoperative Cell Salvage Basic Blood Facts Blood Conservation Haemovigilance Principles of Intraoperative Cell Salvage Indications and Contraindications Practicalities – Blood Collection Practicalities – Blood Processing Practicalities – Blood Reinfusion Information and Best Practice Unloading and Discarding
Learning Outcomes Describe the main functions of blood UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Learning Outcomes Describe the main functions of blood Identify the main components of blood and describe their individual functions Describe basic coagulation List the allogeneic (donor) blood components available for clinical use
Blood separated into its constituent parts UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Blood separated into its constituent parts
The coagulation cascade UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK The coagulation cascade Anticoagulants Citrate binds free calcium (Ca++), preventing activation of clotting factors Heparin is an antithrombin agent which inactivates thrombin, preventing conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
Allogeneic (Donor) Blood Components UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Allogeneic (Donor) Blood Components Blood and blood components must always be stored under controlled storage conditions in designated fridges, freezers etc.