24-HOUR NHS SERVICE SCOTLAND AN OVERVIEW Health services are delivered by 14 Territorial Health Boards with integrated primary and secondary care functions. There are 176 hospitals in Scotland. Virtual service is provid ed in and out of hours access to healthcare. Operates across all of Scotland. 4 main contact centres and 11 Remote/Local centres Clydebank Cardonald South Queensferry Aberdeen
ROLE OF 24 NHS National Organisation Special Health Board 24 hour service Telephone Triage and Clinical Consultation Health Information and Advice Multidisciplinary team – nurses, doctors, pharmacists, dental nurses …
NHS 24 - P HONE SERVICES If your GP surgery is closed and you are too ill to wait until it re-opens, phone NHS 24 on If you phone us, we will ask you where you are phoning from and why you have phoned. This will help us make sure you get the right help. When we know why you have phoned we will put you through to a health professional, such as a nurse, pharmacist or dental nurse. They will talk to you about your symptoms and tell you what care they think you need.
W HAT IS P RIMARY C ARE ? Primary Care refers to basic medical treatment and non-hospital care, including General Practitioners Nurse Practitioners Professions ancilliary to medicine e.g. dentists and pharmacists Domiciliary health care, e.g. Home nursing and occupational therapy. Involves the pro vis ion of care in and out of normal working hours.
C OMMUNITY H EALTH I NDEX ( CHI ) D ATABASE Everyone registered with a GP ( general practitioner ) in Scotland has a unique CHI number Access to the CHI database in NHS 24 means to hold approximately 9 million records of residents registered with a GP in Scotland. Records are only accessed for clinical purposes.