Mrs. D’s Busy Bee’s Mrs. D Theme: Apples You have homework Week of September 21st Mrs. D’s Busy Bee’s Mrs. Dietrich Preschool This week we will learn about apples! We will discuss how they grow, what we can do with them, and which kind we like the taste of the best! We will start working with number recognition. Please practice counting and matching the actual number with what we say each night! (Read each night too!) We will continue learning our letters, one each week. This week is the letter A! Please remember to submit Scholastic book orders by next week, you can do so online as well as sending in your order and a check! They must be submitted by September 30th. Mrs. D Theme: Apples You have homework this week! Please complete the letter A craft & return to school by Thursday! Show & Tell on Tuesday Something related to our theme! Wear gym shoes everyday! Fall Festival is October 2nd! IMPORTANT INFO