I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalms 34:1
This is the Day E This is the day, this is the day B7 That the Lord has made, that the Lord has made We will rejoice, we will rejoice And be glad in it, and be glad in it A E This is the day that the Lord has made A E We will rejoice, and be glad in it B7 E That the Lord has made
It’s a great thing to praise the Lord It’s a great thing to praise the Lord, B7 E it’s a great thing to praise the Lord, C#m F#m it’ s a great thing to praise the Lord, B7 E walking in the light of God
E A Walk, walk, walk, walk in the light, B7 E walk, walk, walk, walk in the light, C#m F#m walk, walk, walk, walk in the light, B7 E walking in the light of God.
E A It’s a great thing to serve the Lord, B7 E it’s a great thing to serve the Lord, C#m F#m it’ s a great thing to serve the Lord, B7 E walking in the light of God
E A Walk, walk, walk, walk in the light, B7 E walk, walk, walk, walk in the light, C#m F#m walk, walk, walk, walk in the light, B7 E walking in the light of God.
Proverbs 15:3 “The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.”
Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see D A Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. A D Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. G D There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love, A D So be careful little eyes, what you see.
Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see D A Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. A D Oh, be careful little eyes, what you see. G D There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love, A D So be careful little eyes, what you see.
D A Oh, be careful little ears, what you hear. A D Oh, be careful little ears, what you hear. G D There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love, A D So be careful little ears, what you hear.
D A Oh, be careful little ears, what you hear. A D Oh, be careful little ears, what you hear. G D There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love, A D So be careful little ears, what you hear.
D A Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say. A D Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say. G D There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love, A D So be careful little mouth, what you say.
D A Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say. A D Oh, be careful little mouth, what you say. G D There's a Father up above, looking down in tender love, A D So be careful little mouth, what you say.
What do all these faces have in common??
A I am glad, I am glad, I am glad A E A I am glad He is my saviour A E A I am glad He is my Lord A D!! E!! I am glad (2C), I am glad (2C) A!! F#m I am glad (2C), I am glad
A We’re glad, We’re glad, We’re glad A E A We’re glad He is our saviour A E A We’re glad He is our Lord A D!! E!! We’re glad (2C), We’re glad (2C) A!! F#m We’re glad (2C), We’re glad A E A
What is wrong here?
Car should turn around!
If you are sinning, you should turn around and repent!
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy D I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! Where? (special group) A Down in my heart! Where? (special group) Down in my heart! I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! Where? (special group) A D Down in my heart to stay
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy D I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart! Where? (special group) A Down in my heart! Where? (special group) Down in my heart! A D Down in my heart to stay
During school holidays, What do you do everyday?
YES! Read the Bible and Pray everyday!
D Read your Bible. Pray every day. A
D Read your Bible. Pray every day. A D And you'll grow, grow, grow. G D
D Read your Bible. Pray every day. A D And you'll grow, grow, grow.
D Don't read your Bible. Forget to pray. A
D Don't read your Bible. Forget to pray. A D And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink. G D
D Don't read your Bible. Forget to pray. A D And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink.
Let’s give cheerfully unto the Lord 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7
Doxology D G D Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; D G D A D Praise Him, all creatures here below; D G D Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; D G D A D Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. G D A-M-E-N