Put it all together Lesson 5
Starter What will this program do? It uses 18 lines of code and many of them are very similar and repetitive. Open the program called L6_Starter.sb2. Write a new program which will do the same thing but using a loop and variables and no more than 10 lines of code.
Objective of the lesson Create a working solution to a complex programming problem All of you will: Create a detailed program and make an attempt at solving some of your programming errors yourself Most of you will: Create a detailed working solution to a programming problem and solve many of the programming errors yourself Some of you will: Complete a complex working program that includes the extension activities and solve most or all of your programming errors yourelf.
Possible answer
Make a quiz You need to make a quiz which will do the following: Ask some random maths questions. It is up to you how easy or hard these are and how many questions you want to ask. If the user gets an answer right, Edbot should stand in the initial position, all the lights turn green for 1 second and you should add the word “Correct” to a list. If they get the answer wrong it should crouch down, all the lights turn red for 1 second and the word “Wrong” should be added to the list. Extension Activities: Instead of simply saving “Correct” or “Wrong” in the list, it should save the question, their answer and if they got it correct or wrong. If they get the answer wrong Edbot should tell them the correct answer. At the end of the quiz tell the user how many they got right.
Self-assessment Read all the points for the entire unit and tick ALL those that you feel you have achieved.