How to bring your story to a close Ending Paragraphs How to bring your story to a close
Your Main Character In a narrative story, the main character or hero has experienced something significant (important), solved a problem, had an adventure. When you are writing your ending you need to think about how your main character has changed, are they better, wiser or smarter? An ending that just stops like “So I went home and went to bed” is not satisfying for the reader nor is an ending that goes on far beyond the end of the story. Your ending should reveal what the story was about and how the main character has grown or changed.
Read the Following Ending Sara looked out the window at her new neighborhood. It still didn’t feel like home, she thought. Yet, there were many new places to visit and things to explore. So, she took a deep breath, pushed the memories of other old home aside, and headed out the door. She knew in her heart that is was up to her to make this new place feel like home. Can you tell what the story was about by reading the ending?
Read the Following Ending It had certainly been a wonderful day! Jackie held the new kitten close to her. She could feel it purring softly. At that moment, she knew that her tiny kitten would always mean more to her than all the gold and riches in the world. What were the main characters, problem and solution to this story?
Techniques for Ending Your Story A Memory —Have the main character remember the main event. A Feeling - show how the main character felt about what happened in the story. A Decision – Include a decision made by the main character as a result of the main event. A Wish or Hope – As a result of the main event, the main character thinks ahead and makes a wish or hope for the future.
You could ask yourself the following questions: A Memory – What do you remember most? A Feeling – How did you feel after everything that happened? A Decision – What did you decide to do after everything that happened? A Wish or Hope – What did you wish or hope for?
Analyze this Ending! Tim leaned back against the building and heaved a sigh of relief. It had been close, that’s for sure. When he shut his eyes he could still see the huge, slobbering dog snarling and snapping at him. He knew that if he ever wanted to explore the junkyard again, he’d check first to see if the dog was there. Next time, he’s come armed with some dog biscuits or a very big bone! Identify the following: The main characters memories The main characters feelings about the main event A decision that the main character made The main characters Wish or Hope.