K-2 Class News Mrs. Holstein’s THANK YOU, Mrs. Holstein Our Student of the month is Aubrey! Way to go Aubrey! Conferences will start in October. I will send home more information soon. The Book is coming! Our fair day is Monday, October 1st from 11:45-12:15pm. You can send in money or come join us! Flu Shots if you gave permission is on Wednesday, October 3rd Discovery Museum Night - Thursday, October 4th from 6-7:30pm – you will not want to miss this night! The Discovery museum from Chattanooga will come and do great things at CPS. NO SCHOOL – Monday, October 8th and Tuesday, October 9th Our First field trip to the Copper creek Pumpkin Patch Field on October 12th THANK YOU, Mrs. Holstein sholstein@cartersvilleschools.org 678.535.6116