Welcome! Sign-in at the computer Grab some pizza (1 slice per person for now) Sit next to someone! If you are alone Sarah will come bug you. Icebreaker Question: What would you be the Queen/King of (i.e. Queen of the Chicken Dance)?
Society of Women Engineers October 3rd, 2016 601 Old Chem
SWEster of the Month September Congratulations Samantha Bauman! 2nd year; Electrical Engineer Our new treasurer! Thank you for stepping up!
SWEster of the Month October Congratulations Nikki Criner! 1st year Civil Engineering Excellent work at Take Apart a Toaster! Great participation in mentor/mentee event!
Public Relations Officer
Fundraising Lillian Minnich: minniclk@mail.uc.edu Information on October Fundraiser will be available at next SWE meeting Check e-mails in the upcoming week for info and the signup sheet Those apart of the Fundraising Team PLEASE check e-mail regarding upcoming Fundraiser!
Special Events & Community Service Kelly Cooper: coopeky@mail.uc.edu (440)319-5138 Next Social Event: Cincy Walking Tour! Saturday Oct 8th, 3:30 PM – 7 PM Meet at Einsteins on Calhoun Signups in NEXT meeting’s minutes HOMECOMING WEEK: Oct 17th – 22nd Events every night w/ RallyCats and Triangle Themed socials approx 8 – 10 PM T-shirts! Fill out interest survey in minutes
Middle/High School Outreach MSO: Sid Stacy (stacysm@mail.uc.edu) Maria Koenig (koenigmg@mail.uc.edu) HSO: Marie Stevenot (stevenf@mail.uc.edu) Emily Schneider (schneiem@mail.uc.edu) Next MSO: November 19th Roller Coasters First HSO: October 8th Postponed TBA Next HSO: February 25th
Mentor/Mentee Speed Dating Trent Bushle: bushleta@mail.uc.edu Thank you to all who participated!! Huge success-Thirty members in attendance!! Matches are made, emails to be sent tonight (10/3) with contact info!
Want to have SWE events on your phone? Join SWE’s Google calendar! Click link in minutes while logged into your Google account & add to your phone! If you need help contact Sarah (uc.swe.president@gmail.com)
Earn Some Points! (Report to Madison Summers)
Welcome Jim Topich from Kinetic Vision Welcome Jim Topich from Kinetic Vision! (Please put away cell phones and laptops!)
Monday October 17th 6 PM @ 601 Old Chem Next Meeting: “How to Get the Most Out of Co-op” Presented by Steven Taylor Givaudan Flavors Monday October 17th 6 PM @ 601 Old Chem
Become a Member Open up your browser and go to swe.org Select Membership > Select Join Select Become a Member Login if you already have an account Create your account and fill out required information Select the type of membership you would like to purchase "Collegiate to Career" is the first option for $50. This allows you to be a member for your entire college career (undergraduate and graduate) and your first year as a professional. This option is highly recommended. "New Collegiate" membership is for $20 and it allows you to be a member for one year of college. Select G053 - University of Cincinnati for the chapter/section and then click continue. Fill out your payment information. Submit your order. You will receive an email confirming your membership.