Diverse Learners in Co-requisite Remediation A Template for Implementation
Overview Introduction Engaging Faculty Math Pathways Communication with Academic Advisors Research Design Issues
Introduction Illinois Community College Board and Complete College America Project Our experience led us to believe we were ready to participate. English co-requisite experience Variety of pilot projects in math
Our guiding principles for Dev Ed Contextualize Accelerate Support Avoid
Engaging Faculty Buy in and understanding of what is co-requisite education Courses used to get started right away Making schedules How much and how often Credit hours of support course Made sure faculty understand how success is measured New support courses developed
Math Pathways Developed meta majors Applied Technology Business Education Fine and Performing Arts Healthcare Liberal Arts/Humanities Social Sciences STEM Developed new “intent” screen in student information system
Student name, phone number (s), email, and address in this space.
Communication with Advisors Rationale for co-requisite remediation Impact on placement test cut scores and multiple measures Advising handout – fill these first. Sample schedules that emphasize completing math and English during the first year
Research DEsign Emphasize acceleration and retention Willing to sacrifice course success rates to get more students to the finish line
Issues Reading Scaling up Bridging the Gap grant Interesting difference between English and Math Teacher training
Questions? For more information: Kathy Haberer, M.Ed. Dr. Jill O’Shea Lane Director, Student Development & Counseling Dean, Transfer Programs 618-468-4126 618-468-4900 khaberer@lc.edu jlane@lc.edu