As you enter: Please complete the following sentence on two different index cards: Equitable assessments must … (put a different idea on each card)
Give one, get one Share with a partner the first idea Listen to your partner’s idea Trade cards Find another partner, share second idea Listen to your new partner’s second idea Return to your original table with your new cards
Welcome Back to the District Assessment Selection Committee (DASC)! October 19, 2017
Agenda Meet new members Setting the task for tonight Group work on developing the rubric by criterion Sharing our work and getting feedback Next meeting Nov. 8
DASC: Our Work Plan
Guiding Principles The purpose of assessment in Shoreline Public Schools is to accurately and efficiently measure all students’ progress toward meeting district standards and achieving college and career readiness. In order to do this, assessments should: be designed to inform instruction; produce actionable/meaningful data; and maximize instructional/learning time.
Developing Our Selection Rubric -- Round 1 With at least one other person, choose one of the four criteria we developed last time plus Equity and Bias. Look at the sample selection guidelines from other districts. Create a draft of a rubric for selecting an assessment that meets our needs and matches our guiding principles and assessment framework. Google docs provided. If something is specific to ELA or math, make a note of that on the rubric.
Developing Our Selection Rubric -- Round 2 With your partner(s), move to another criterion and review their work. Add, suggest edits, and note questions. Use a different font color.
Sharing our work Using the Google doc on the screen, share your work on the rubric for you original (first) criterion. The rest of us will provide feedback One person will present, one will take notes in the notes section of the Google doc. The separate docs and notes will be combined into one rubric to be finalized our next meeting.
FALL MEETING DATES All meetings will be from 4:30-6:30 in room I-107 October 7 October 19 November 8 December 6 December 13 January 4 Dates for 3-4 more meetings in the spring will be agreed upon later. NEXT!