Philippe Quevauviller


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Presentation transcript:

Philippe Quevauviller CMA-1 activity Berlin – 2 May 2007 Philippe Quevauviller European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine

CMA (2007-2009) Tasks / Deliverables STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP WG E PLENARY CMA (GW, SW/MW) WG C or WG E (joint meetings) CMA-1 Exchange of best practices CMA-2 QA_QC CMA-3 Standardisation (CEN TC/230) Sharing best practices Identification of gaps and needs Analytical methods, sampling Practical exercises Sediment and biota Follow-up of COM decision Discussion of common strategy (EAQC-WISE) Identification of standards Follow-up of CEN work Links with RTD

CMA (2007-2009) Chemical Monitoring in the CIS Activity CMA-1 (Monitoring best practices) Objectives To coordinate exchanges on best practices and establish recommendations needed by Member States in the context of the implementation of the WFD monitoring programmes. This activity will be developed in close connection with the Working Group E on Priority Substances. The activity will cover, in particular: The finalisation of the "Surface/Marine Water Chemical Monitoring" guidance initiated in 2006, which needs to integrate elements arising from the proposal for a new Directive on Priority Substances= ACTION: ADOPTION OF GUIDANCE AS INTERIM VERSION TO BE FINALISED AFTER 1st READING OF PS DIRECTIVE Exchanges on Best Practices/experiences on monitoring programme design (grouping of bodies, number of monitoring stations, monitoring frequency), sampling (and related uncertainty) selection of parameters, calculation methods of background concentrations, new emerging tools for monitoring and update information on available analytical methods (covering both surface and ground water) through case studies and organisation of field trials aiming to test methods= ACTION: WP TO BE DETAILED (AS WELL AS LEADERSHIP) FOR SEDONC SEMESTER OF 2007 Recommendations on sediment and biota monitoring in the light of requirements of Article 16 of the WFD (focus on priority substances)= ACTION: IDENTIFYING NEEDS (GUIDANCE?) AND RELATED WP