Welcome to Year 5 Miss Maguire
Aims of the evening To gain an overview of the curriculum and expectations. To find ways to support your child’s learning. To have a greater understanding of class routines. To answer any questions.
Year 5 Team Class Teacher – Miss Maguire Teaching Assistant - Mrs Yates Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kaba
REWards Bee system Stamps Raffle tickets
Maths Curriculum
Literacy - comprehension, grammar and writing
RE Curriculum
Science Curriculum
Topics throughout the year
Ways to support learning at home Reading Ideally 4/5 times a week. Both reading to you, hearing you read and reading by themselves. Reading Records expected in school each day. Children are encouraged to change their books as often as they can. Helping with homework and spellings
Homework Maths and English homework will be given weekly on a Friday. It must be handed in by 9.00 am the following Thursday. Work will relate to the topic in class that week. Children can come and see me at break / lunch if they are struggling with anything. Times table practise. Daily reading. Spellings
Spellings After a few weeks of settling into school, children will start their weekly spelling tests which will be on a Friday. The new spellings will then be given out for the following Friday. Most of the spellings will come from the year 5/6 curriculum and will be grouped into sounds so it’s easier for the children to learn.