Development of Post-2010 Biodiversity Policy CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 6th meeting - 16/10/09 Agenda item 2.A Development of Post-2010 Biodiversity Policy François Wakenhut, Head of Unit ENV.B.2
Vision Biodiversity in the EU is maintained, restored and enhanced for its intrinsic value, for the long-term well-being and enjoyment of people, and to ensure nature’s vital services (in a changing climate) and the economic prosperity that this brings Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU – our natural capital – are preserved and valued to continue to support economic prosperity and human well-being
Options for headline target Business as usual – maintain the existing target of halting biodiversity loss and extend the deadline to 2020 Consider that halting biodiversity loss is unattainable for the foreseeable future – commit to significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2020 Maintain the existing target and extend it to 2020 but broaden its focus to include the critical role of ecosystem services. Implies translating ‘ecosystem services’ into a measurable framework. Possible additional targets on improvement and restoration rate of ecosystems’ status to maintain ecosystem services. Move towards a status-based approach to biodiversity and ecosystem services. Define the state of biodiversity conditioning ecosystem services upon which we depend; and develop policies/measures to achieve that desired state.
Timeline towards the new EU Biodiversity policy