HP-SEE DISSEMINATION & TRAINING Tirana, 27 March 2012 HMLQCD Hadron Masses from Lattice QCD University of Tirana A.Borici , D.Xhako, R.Zeqirllari EC FP7 Project HP-SEE http://www.hp-see.eu/
Introduction Strong interaction one of the fundamental forces in Nature (gravity, electromagnetic, strong, weak) dynamics between quarks and gluons quark proton neutron nucleon
Quarks Elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Combine to form composite particles called hadrons Color confinement Asymptotic freedom How quarks and antiquarks interact?
Quark – Antiquark potencial V(r) = kq/r (electro-magnetic interaction) V(r) = V0 + Kr + /r Define V0, K, and model the quark antiquark potencial
Calculations and results Lattice volume 84 = 5.7 N = 100 Calculation of Wilson’s loops Calculation of potencial’s values Best fit of the datas
Results: Quark – Antiquark potencial, =5.7
Results and conclusions Execution time t=5h:40 min The program scales up to 4 processors Need for further optimization of the code