Exploring climate zones through French. A cross-curricular approach to MLPS
Curriculum for Excellence outcomes: Modern Languages: I can deliver a brief presentation on a familiar topic using familiar language and phrases (LAN 256MC) Second level Social Studies: By exploring climate zones around the world I can compare and describe how climate affects living things (SOC 11J) first level
Aims This thematic approach to the teaching of French in upper primary stages aims to build relevance, depth and richness into pupils language learning experience. Pupils will work individually and collaboratively to learn and practice the language and the concepts of climate zones; their locations and wildlife, and using collaborative skills they will plan, organise and present their learning to their peers in a format of their choosing. It is suggested that the optimum time for this work might be towards the end of Primary 7, after pupils have worked through and have a basic understanding of simple language such as calendar, weather, greetings, number colour, etc.
Learning activities (based on the Teaching Cycle) Stage 1: Introduce new theme and set out learning intentions. Review and Revise prior learning, e.g: Types of Weather Countries and Nationalities Animals Practise vocabulary, phrases, questions & answers in pairs & small groups
Stage 2: Presenting and modelling new language. Introduce new vocabulary, sounds & pronunciation. Use repetition and role play to build understanding and confidence
Stage 2 continued Using IWB and map of the world; present the names of the 5 continents, naming 2-3 countries (where appropriate) within these continents. Cest quel continent? Où est…(continent/country) au tableau/ à la carte ? Montre moi..(+ country) Using IWB and map of the world; present the variety of climate locations in the world, the type of weather found, any relevant geographical feature and wild life En ….. on trouve…(climatic area) Il fait un temps….. Il y a du/de la/des/ de l (features) Les animaux qui vivent la-bas sont….
Stages 3; 4 and 5 3. Practice & Consolidate in pairs and smaller groups through the following activities: IWB games and activities Quizlet.com Use maps and flashcards Randomise picture cards with weather/animal/country etc or colour - coded word cards for silly sentences ( Speaking or Writing) In pairs design a 5 question knowledge challenge for another pair Match continents and written description; guessing games, using alphabet/weather/ geog.features as prompts 4. Using the language for real: Agree, design and create a presentation in the format of their choosing, which will serve to showcase in French, key aspects of climate, geographical features and wildlife, of a particular area in the world. Agree on format Roles & responsibilities Time Frame Audience Written, design and oral contribution required from everyone Resources required Assessment criteria 5. Debrief and Next Steps What went well? Even better if….? How will we build on this learning? How could theme be developed further? Is there a particular area that could be approached in more depth?