WHY SAAE IS NOT AVAILABLE? Circumstances beyond the control of entitiy. Management imposed limitations Nature and timing of the audit . Ex:-1)An auditor wants a knowledge on client software .But the software was purchase from US vendor. 2) The auditor was appointed on 16th sept ,he has to submit report on 30th Sept.
Some items but covering a major part. PERVASIVE:- A term.used ,in the context of Misstatements to describe the possible effects on the financial statements. Many items. Some items but covering a major part. Disclosure are not proper or not made
Reasons for material misstatements:- Selection of inaopropriate accounting policies.Ex inventory valuation under LIFO method. Inappropriate Application of accounting policy. Disclosures are not adequate or proper in the financial statement.
Material misstatement may be:- Related to accounts.Ex Quantify the amount and its impact in the financial statement. Related to non disclosures. Related to narrative disclosures. For ex:-Suppose Losses are eroded the networth .It is their in the notes but its not mention that losses is the three times of the networth