Slide for Events n 1. With this slide you can… n 2. sequence events, dates, times… n 3. and each will appear… n 4. with the click of your mouse. n 1. With this slide you can… n 2. sequence events, dates, times… n 3. and each will appear… n 4. with the click of your mouse.
Side by Side Comparison n On this side the words appear one at a time. n On this side the words appear one at a time. n On this side… n the words appear… n with the click of the mouse… n so you can sequence the information. n The next slide shows an object (the graph) animated, but the heart/arrow is going too far. n On this side… n the words appear… n with the click of the mouse… n so you can sequence the information. n The next slide shows an object (the graph) animated, but the heart/arrow is going too far.
Potassium Chloride Infusion 4 20 Attack!!!!!!
Using 2 photos for comparison Vending Service Van versus Garbage Truck
Example of an Animated Diagram
Using a call-out to make writing more readable Exam: Multiple minor contusions & abrasions, chest sounds normal, abdomen non-tender, neuro exam negative.