Robust accounting in Article 6 Avoiding double counting in international carbon markets Gilles Dufrasne, Carbon Market Watch Africa Carbon Forum 2018 April 13th 2018
Kyoto Vs. Paris Kyoto Protocol (end 2020) Paris Agreement (Start 2020) Target Annex 1 countries Annex 1 countries Target No Target Non-Annex 1 countries Non-Annex 1 countries Article 6 of the Paris Agreement establishes market mechanisms, to « allow for higher ambition » (6.1) and « deliver an overall mitigation in global emissions » (6.4)
Avoiding double counting (1) Abatement Abatement
Avoiding double counting (2) Abatement Abatement
Perverse incentives against ambition in NDCs
Avoiding double counting outside of NDCs Use of credits outside of NDC commitment must be monitored and be subject to the same corresponding adjustments for the issuing country! Note: Countries are represented for demonstrative purposes only.
Recommendation Avoid double counting and perverse incentives by making corresponding adjustments for the transfer of all credits