Answers to Chapter 3 study Guide Regent Silt Astronomer Artisan Delta Astronomers Work on mummies Most Roman Empire
10. conqueror, educated, merciful to those conquered, Hatshepsut’s step-son 11. Land of the dead 12. Old Kingdom 13. After he was crowned or became pharaoh 14. Menes Cataracts prevented travel Female, regent for step-son, declared herself pharaoh, good ruler, trade increased during her rule Due to the dark, rich soil Blue Nile and White Nile Hieroglyphics Trade center
21. The seasons 22. Armies Mummification With absolute (all ) power united Upper and Lower Egypt Hunting and fishing communities Rich farmland Iron weapons and tools Trade They were great archers Belief in one God, honor Abraham and the prophets, and started in the same area
32. trade, pop. growth, specialization of labor, government and social classes 33. More simple and fewer symbols 34. Based on eye for an eye, written crime and punishment, didn’t apply equally to all, first written, accident still punished, covered everything 35. soil, water, and shelter