THE KOREAN WAR Ms. Ha Ch. 18 sec. 2 Part 2
I. The Korean War 1. Japanese gave up to Soviets A. Japan annexed Korea 1910 B. WWII ended 1. Japanese gave up to Soviets 2. North of the 38th parallel
II. North Korea Attacks! A. South Korea rallies 1. Korean War begins 2. June 25, 1950
B. U.S. General 1. Douglas MacArthur 2. WWII-Pacific hero
C. Two nations developed 1. N. Korea: communists 2. Southern Korea: democratic
General Douglas MacArthur
III. MacArthur Attacks! A. Amphibious (water) attack 1. Landed at Inchon (W. Coast) 2. Troops north from Pusan 3. Communists trapped 4. Fled & others surrendered
B. Chinese Fight Back 1. 1950: Chinese troop join N. Korea 2. Goal: Korea as a “buffer” 3. Two years: both pushed back 4. Stalemate
IV. MacArthur v. U.S. President A. General MacArthur 1. Nuclear war with China 2. President Truman: NO WAY 3. Start WWIII 4. MacArthur angry: go over the President’s head
B. Shock! 1. April 11, 1951 2. Truman fires MacArthur 3. Public outraged=their war hero 4. Parades
5. Famous MacArthur line: “ Old soldiers never die, they just fade away”
6. Investigation to firing a. Results: Truman was right b. Citizens agreed with Truman c. Indeed: MacArthur faded away
V. Soviet Union: cease-fire A. June 23, 1951 1. Truce talks began 2. Two agreements
B. Location of cease-fire C. 38th parallel battle line
VI. U.S. Results A. 54,000 dead soldiers B. $67 billion expense C. Fear grows of communism