Labour Market Statistics Pedro Ferreira Eurostat
Outline of my talk Main efforts of this year NUTS revision for Bulgaria and Romania NUTS level 3 estimates
Main efforts Special attention was taken at: Collecting and completing register unemployment, employment and active population figures at NUTS level 3 Estimating employment and unemployment rates at NUTS level 3 Revising NUTS codes for Bulgaria and Romania
NUTS revision The NUTS codes for Bulgaria and Romania changed this year, so the data had to be revised No problem for Romania: NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 regions stayed “physically” the same and only the codes have changed For Bulgaria, there wasn’t a direct way of solving the problem, so the data had to be resent by the MS
Our Unit asks directly MS for NUTS level 3 figures: Registered unemployment Registered employment Active population Registered unemployment collection went well this year, with two exceptions
Problems United Kingdom: Belgium: the most recent figures for Northern Ireland region are for 2003 Belgium: There is no unified method to estimate wage-earners, self-employed and unemployed
NUTS level 3 figures With NUTS level 3 figures it was possible to estimate unemployment rates at this level, mainly to compute disparities measures The data request for registered employment will be done in November
Thank you for your attention!