Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 Reception Maths This half term we will be learning all about doubling and halving numbers. We will continue to learn about addition and subtracting to become super problem solvers. You can help your child at home by practising writing their own number sentences. Talking about subtraction in everyday situations e.g. We had 8 apples, we ate 2, how many do we have now? Communication and Language Children will develop their ability to tell and act out their own stories. They will have the opportunity to write about their own superhero and act out their superhero stories in role play. You can help your child by continuing to regularly share stories together. Can they tell you about their own superhero? Literacy This half term we will be learning all about superhero's. As part of this topic we will be reading Nat Fantastic a story about a little boy who becomes a superhero! We will continue to develop our sentence writing. Please help your child with their reading each day, and record each time that you read with your child in their reading record. If your child reads 5 or more times each week they will receive a certificate in Friday’s assembly! Please continue to encourage your child to write at lots of given opportunities. Help them to develop their sentence writing- remind them to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Physical Development This half term we will continue to develop children’s ability to write on a line. Children will be thinking about the importance for good health, physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and we will talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. Help your child to practise forming letters and numbers- make sure that they are the right way around. Remind children that all teen numbers begin with the number 1! Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 Reception Personal, Social and Emotional Development During Circle Time will be talking about our goals and wishes and become more confident speaking in a group. We will also be talking about what makes us special and unique. You can help your child at home by asking them to share and talk about what they have been learning at school. Reminders Please make sure that your child’s homework is handed in to their class teacher by Tuesday at the latest. We will be holding superhero workshops for parents. This will be an opportunity for children to share their learning with their parents. Important dates- Wednesday 25th April- Superhero stay and play Wednesday 9th May- EYFS art day Understanding the World As part of this half term’s topic, we will be learning all about real life superheroes. This means we will be thinking about different occupations and people in our community. We will be thinking about the similarities and differences between ourselves and others, and also among families, communities and traditions. Expressive Arts and Design This half term we will be making our very own superheroes using lots of different resources and materials. We will also be acting out our own superhero stories using lots of imaginative language.