La Hora
What time is it? Que hora es?
It is 1:00. Es la una.
It is 2:00 Son las dos.
It is 8:00. Son las ocho.
Quarter after the hour (15 minutes past) Simply add “y cuarto” after the hour. Example: Es la una y cuarto.
Que hora es?
Que hora es?
Half past the hour (30 minutes past) Simply add “y media” after the hour. Example: Es la una y media.
Que hora es?
Que hora es?
Minutes on the clock from 1 to 29 Tack on the number of minutes to the hour. Example: Son las tres y cinco.
Que hora es?
Que hora es?
Here comes the tricky part!!!
Quarter of the hour (45 minutes past OR 15 minutes till.) Go to the next hour and subtract “the quarter” Example: Son las cinco menos cuarto.
Que hora es?
Que hora es?
Minutes from 31 to 59 Subtract the amount of minutes it will take to get to the next hour. Example: 2:50 = Son las tres menos diez.
Que hora es?
Que hora es?
It’s noon. 12:00 p.m Es mediodia.
It’s midnight. 12:00 a.m. Es medianoche.
a.m. and p.m. In Spanish, we do not use a.m. or p.m. We say “in the morning”, “in the afternoon”, or “in the evening” In the morning = de la manana In the afternoon = de la tarde In the evening = de la noche
Que hora es?