Construction and analysis of the HEV-host PPI network. Construction and analysis of the HEV-host PPI network. (A) Venn diagram comparing the data from the primary interaction partners (HHEV) with the available proteomic data sets. Red, yellow, green, and pink indicate HHEV and differentially regulated proteins in g-1 HEV-infected humans, g-3 HEV-infected swine, and a g-4 HEV-infected A549 cell line, respectively. (B) Schematic of the network analysis. Black, red, and blue nodes indicate viral protein and primary and secondary interaction partners, respectively. Red edge, virus-human (primary interaction partners) protein interaction (Virus-HHEV). Blue edge, all human-human (H-H) protein-protein interactions, including interactions among primary interaction partners (HHEV-HHEV) and experimentally validated interactions among all human proteins (H-H). (C) Virus-(HHEV-HHEV) PPI network. Yellow node, validated by CoIP. Yellow node with green border, virus-HHEV interactions validated by CoIP, published data. (D) Analysis of the HHEV-H data set using STRING database. (E) The translation factor pathway, imported from WikiPathways (ID: WP107). HEV primary and secondary interaction partners are shown in red and blue, respectively. eIF2S1, the target of eIF2AK4, is indicated in yellow. Chandru Subramani et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00135-17