APUSH Major Primary Sources Period 2 (1607-1754) Includes paintings, engravings, photographs, political cartoons, speeches, documents with hyperlinks for additional information and video links. Also includes secondary source maps, charts, and historical depictions. Compiled by John Burkowski Jr. Academy for Advanced Academics
Excerpts from First Charter of Virginia 1606
Address to Captain John Smith Chief Powhatan 1609
The Massacre of the Settlers Matthaus Merian 1634 (Who looks to be the aggressor?...)
A Modell of Christian Charity John Winthrop 1630
Town Map, Colonial New England
A Plea for Religious Liberty Roger Williams 1644
Excerpt from The Wonders of the Invisible World Cotton Mather 1693 (Salem Witch Trials)
Excerpt from From Second Treatise on Government John Locke 1689
Declaration Against William Berkeley Nathaniel Bacon 1676
Excerpt from Marks of a True Conversion George Whitefield 1739
Excerpt from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Jonathan Edwards 1741
British Thirteen Colonies Map of Religions
Navigation Acts 1660, 1663, 1696
Map of British Thirteen Colonies
British Thirteen Colonies Geography
British Thirteen Colonies Map of Migrations
British Thirteen Colonies Map of Resources
Trans-Atlantic Trade System