GENERAL RULES Only the Captain or an Alternate Captain, during a stoppage, can request a measurement. Only one measurement per team per stoppage. Equipment must be measured in exact condition as used in play. All measurements shall be made at the Referee’s Crease. Captain or Alternate must indicate which equipment/dimension or specific part of the stick is to be measured.
PLAYER STICK DIMENSIONS 63" Width: Not less than 2” nor greater than 3” along the blade length Length: 12.5 inches heel to end of blade max Curve: Not more than 0.75”, measured along the bottom of the blade Length: 63” tip to heel max All edges of the blade shall be beveled (Sharp or jagged edges are not allowed) The end of a hollow shaft must be fully covered 12.5" 2" Min 3" Max 3/4" Max
GOALIE STICK DIMENSIONS Width : Minimum 2” / Maximum 3.5” Heel : Maximum 4.5” spanning the heel Length : 15.5” heel to end of blade max Curve : Not more than 0.75”, measured along the bottom of the blade Length : 63” tip to heel max Paddle Width : Maximum 3.5” Paddle Height : Max. 26 inches, heel to top of paddle 26" 3.5" 15.5" 4.5" 2" Min 3.5" Max
STICK MEASUREMENTS Officials must use one of the following methods when measuring curvature: Tape Measure Stick Gauge Place blade against a flat surface for tape measurements. Measure curvature along bottom of blade.
STICK MEASUREMENTS If stick is legal, assess Bench Minor penalty to the challenging team If stick is illegal-- Assess minor penalty to player Place illegal stick in the scorer’s bench Return stick after the game is over
STICK MEASUREMENTS If player refuses to surrender stick or breaks stick upon request for measurement : Stick is automatically judged to be illegal. Assess a minor plus misconduct to the player. Referees may measure any equipment being used for the first time in a game at their own discretion (except a stick).
GOALKEEPER EQUIPMENT Any required measurement or other examination of goalkeeper equipment shall be made immediately If equipment is found to be illegal: Minor penalty assessed to the goalkeeper Illegal goalkeeper equipment must be removed from the game & returned to the goalkeeper after the game. If a goalkeeper refuses to surrender equipment for measurement: Equipment is automatically judged to be illegal. Assess minor plus misconduct to goalkeeper
ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES Look for equipment violations during pre-game warm-ups Advise team of violations before the game starts Requests for any required measurement or other equipment examination shall be conducted immediately Includes goalkeeper equipment
ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES For all equipment violations (except sticks and goalkeeper equipment): First violation: Warning to the team. Subsequent violation(s): Misconduct Youth player loses helmet during play: Immediate stoppage of play. Player must leave the ice until completion of the ensuing face-off. Adult player loses helmet during play: Player may retrieve helmet during play but may not participate in play
EQUIPMENT-RELATED ENFORCEMENT GUIDELINES A match penalty must be assessed to any player who deliberately removes his or an opponent’s helmet/facemask prior to or during an altercation A game misconduct must be assessed to any player whose actions during an altercation removes an opponent’s helmet/facemask If a goalkeeper loses one or both gloves during play Stop play whenever the goalkeeper loses a glove and is in a vulnerable position UNLESS there is an imminent scoring opportunity, in which case play should be allowed to continue until the imminent scoring opportunity has passed SAFETY FIRST !!