Laws of Mechanics (Physics) Engine Terminology Laws of Mechanics (Physics) Lesson 2 YouTube - Dragsters Retrospectiva melhores momentos March 2008
Laws of Mechanics Mass Matter Energy Inertia Force Momentum Torque Work Power
Mass Physical Size – Body Gravity does not effect size of mass YouTube - Eureka! Episode 2 - Mass
YouTube - States of Matter Three States Solid - Liquid – Gas States of matter can be changed but not destroyed YouTube - States of Matter
YouTube - Eureka! Episode 1 - Inertia Tendency of a body (mass) to keep its state of rest or motion YouTube - Eureka! Episode 1 - Inertia Start demo @ 1:23 min
Momentum Body in Motion
Which form of energy does not apply to engine dynamics? Produces change in the state of matter Which form of energy does not apply to engine dynamics?
Push or pull which starts, stops or changes motion of a body Force Push or pull which starts, stops or changes motion of a body
Turning or twisting force that causes a body to turn (rotate). Torque Turning or twisting force that causes a body to turn (rotate).
Torque = Length x Force Applied
When a body is moved by a force Work When a body is moved by a force Measured in Ft. Lbs. (Nm)
Work = Distance Moved x Force Applied YouTube - Eureka! Episode 8 - Work
Power Rate (Time - Speed) of doing work. Measured in Ft.lbs. per second or minute. (Metric =Watt or Kilowatt.)
Power = Distance (ft) x Force (lbs) Time (minutes) ‘Mechanical’ power is the rate work is being done by a mechanical device (engine)