TYPES OFRESULTS Accurate Inaccurate False positive results False negative results False positive and false negative results are known as Fallacies in toxicological results which may be due to some artefacts. Artefact is a fact which is not a fact.`
FALLACIES IN RESULTS OR TOXICOLOGICAL ARTEFACTS Production of alcohol due to enzymatic decomposition of proteins because of putrefaction (less than 100mg%) Increase in concentration of carboxy Hb (19-25%) Production of cyanide due to decomposition (up to 10mg%) in three months old blood
Combustion of body tissues and other materials yield several gases, which are NH3 CO, HCN, H2S, SO2, N2, NO, NO2, NO3 (as silk and wool nitrogen content is high) Burn victims contained increased level of cyanide between 17- 220mg per 100ml Faulty technique in collection storage or use of preservative Collection of blood from heart may get diluted due to pericardial fluid. Use of EDTA, Formalin, heparin or use of spirit may give false positive result for alcohol or methanol
Use of contaminated bottles for collection of viscera or collection of viscera in single bottle Use of contaminated instruments Use of contaminated preservatives In buried bodies, arsenic and other toxicological elements may be imbibed from the surrounding earth may result in inaccurate toxicological analysis Improper sealing or tightening the containers not properly may result in evaporation of volatile poisons resulting in false negative results.