Mission and Pastoral Conferences 2018 Deanery plans
Deanery Plans Legal status for deanery plans What qualifies as a deanery plan? Who prepares a Deanery Plan? Legal Consequences – Consultation provisions Presumption in favour Commissioners’ Guidance Features of a deanery plan Role of DMPC Role of Deanery For the purpose of this presentation, by “deanery plan” we mean a plan for pastoral reorganisation. We’ll be covering: Gives legal status to deanery plans for the first time Not compulsory May be element in a Mission action plan Deanery Plans Group has prepared guidance. This group consisted of various: Archdeacon, DMPC Sec, Bishops Planning officer, Dio Sec. etc.
What Qualifies as a Deanery Plan? Four conditions Consultation with interested parties Approval by Deanery Synod Meetings for any dispossessed office-holders Approval by DMPC Consultation – don’t forget patrons! - DMPC may specify extras (e.g. ecumenical partners in an LEP or Sharing Agreement) - Time and format of consultation not specified (could be two rounds e,g, on issues and on a draft plan) Approval by Deanery Synod - may need two meetings (one to present/one to vote) - make aware of consultees’ views - record in minutes (plus voting figures) Meeting for office holders who might be dispossessed (with DMPC not deanery) Approval by DMPC - may need vetting and recommending by a Sub-Committee (especially if Bishop’s Council is DMPC) - At this point, the Plan becomes an “Approved Deanery Plan” and can benefit from certain legal consequences (more later).
Who should prepare a Deanery Plan? Measure doesn’t specify Deanery (via Deanery Pastoral Committee) DMPC (via a Sub-Committee) DMPC/Deanery partnership Deanery – danger of being in isolation from diocesan vision - capacity issue in some deaneries DMPC - DMPC could consult and prepare (maybe via a Sub-Committee) and have approved by Deanery Synod - danger of lack of “buy-in” DMPC/Deanery partnership - recommended in Commissioners’ Guidance (which can be found on Mission and Pastoral Measure section of the CofE website), more later on roles
Approved Deanery Plans – Legal Consequences Proposals must be “substantially the same” as in deanery plan Omit S6/21 consultation stage Presumption in favour – unless there are material considerations Omitting s.6/21 consultations may save a stage (if already have and consult on deanery plans). Otherwise will replace the s.6?21 consultation with consultation on the plan. Issues style consultation particularly appropriate for deanery plans Presumption raises bar for representors (therefore important to make views known during consultation on plan). No presumption either way for other cases. However, due to some legal issues this won’t be in effect on 1st October (legislation forgot about appeals); should be sorted in next Misc Prov Measure so should come into effect early 2019.
Material Considerations Plan based on incorrect or out-dated information Process flaws in developing plan Significant opposition among i.p.s or deanery synod members Matters (which may be matters of detail) not covered in the plan Plan more likely to be outdated if recommended reorganisation is implemented late in the plan period DMPC Secretaries and Commissioners’ staff job to prevent procedural flaws Important to record level of support during consultation Reps usually about matters of detail. Detail may change after plan recommendations
Deanery Plans Essential/Desirable Features It should relate to the wider Diocesan mission planning context Have regard to any diocesan-wide parameters set by the Bishop, Diocesan Synod and DMPC Be comprehensive in scope Be evidence based Have the widest possible engagement with and ownership by clergy and parishes and community bodies Not about reorganisation in isolation Some examples of diocesan parameters might include - the number of clergy (stipendiary or self-supporting), pioneer ministers and lay workers available and any limitations on their deployment; - the support which the diocese can offer in the way of financial or other resources; - opportunities presented by the provision of strategic mission funding by the Commissioners; - diocesan wide planning and development issues; - ecumenical considerations. Comprehensive (covering deployment of clergy and lay workers, use of buildings, financial resources, potential for Fresh expressions and ecumenical working) Limiting factor of basing on narrow criteria (e.g. just clergy numbers) Evidence to back conclusions
Scope of Deanery Plans (1) What area can they cover? One or more deaneries Part of a deanery Parts of more than deanery May cover wider area (each deanery to approve own part) Scope for archdeaconry or diocesan planning (and can look at deaneries/archdeaconries as part of plan) Also parts of multiple deaneries (e.g. if a housing estate crosses multiple deanery boundaries, a specific plan for that area might be appropriate).
Scope of Deanery Plans (2) Developing lay ministry Local Ecumenical Partnerships Audit of churches and other church property Sharing church buildings with other denominations Use of church schools Encouraged to be wide-ranging – examples list. Not all will need reorganisation but may influence it A buildings audit should identify the scope for extended use of existing buildings or whether they should be replaced or are no longer needed? CBC can help with template
Scope of Deanery Plans (3) Church plants or Fresh Expressions Access to grant funding or other resources Scope for co-operation with community bodies Identifying of initiatives better carried out at deanery rather than parochial level Simplifying administration through joint councils Grant funding or other resources may be available from Church or secular bodies for particular buildings or projects Community bodies such as local charities or local authority sponsored bodies promoting regeneration Joint Councils legislation to be amended in forthcoming Church Representation Rules (extra option of delegating all functions and thus essentially putting PCCs in abeyance)
Evidence - Examples Population by parish/benefice Potential housing development Deprivation statistics Student populations Weekly attendance Parish share records Repair costs for churches based on the latest QIRs Presence of other denominations and faiths Number of C of E church schools and availability of their premises Links to national stats for population and deprivation. Dioceses will have attendance and share records and will monitor local plans re developments growth including an examination of planning policies
Role of DMPC Setting the context/parameters/timeframe Providing leadership and support/developing local leadership capacity Encouraging consistency of approach Identifying the interested parties Providing information (e.g. statistics or planning policies) for an evidence based plan Approving and monitoring plans Time frame for production Lifetime of plan (probably five years +) Timetable for implementing may be shorter. Give context and constraints (eg. Clergy numbers, financial support). Members or officers assisting deanery group Training for those undertaking work All deaneries working to same criteria Better knowledge of i.ps Knowledge held at diocesan level (links in Guidance to nationally held information) Monitoring as well as approving
Role of Deanery Providing local leadership Encouraging participation in formulation of the plan Providing locally held information Formally approving the plan Presumption incentive to participate as best opportunity to have views heard.
Scenarios Workshop Have template for a scenarios workshop map and benefice/parish details in advance (imaginary deaneries but based on real-life benefice and parish situations) presentation on “what you can do” goes with it plan in groups (with differing briefs) Done once (Leeds 2013) needs sufficient time (all day) Aimed at rural deans/lay chairs