Thursday, September 5 th, 2013
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
Angel league
The basics: Victoria Garden is a retirement home located on 310 S. Jupiter Road. Members will be able to help out by playing games, such as bingo, with the elderly. Print, sign and turn in the form during the meeting!
Who: Any key club members What: Playing baseball with special needs children When: September 9th 6:30PM – 7:30PM Where: Allen Station Park 1120 N Cedar Dr Allen, TX **Be consistent and print and turn in permission form
Purpose: To learn new things and see whats going on with our advisor club When: Thursday at 12:00(noon) Where: Twin Creeks Golf Club (501 Twin Creeks Drive Allen, TX 75013) Benefits: New knowledge, free, delicious lunch, excused from class ** May only attend 1 per semester. Must find your own ride. Have to come back to school, youre only excused for 3 rd /6 th period!!
Purpose: Donations for ACO who are very low on canned food. When: Sept. 19 th - Oct. 3 rd 4 cans = 1 hour, MAXIMUM OF 3 hours(12 cans) Canned items: Corn, beans, vegetables, peas & carrots, potatoes, peas, pears, fruit cocktail, pineapple, oranges, tomatoes products. Cooking items: Cooking oil, salad dressing, spices, salt, pepper, sugar.
Class representatives Freshman Sophomores Junior Senior Must have forms and dues turned in. Get the application from the website. Deadline: October 3 rd
Purpose: For Salvation army Must decorate at least 2 lunch bags Be creative and take your time!
Who: All sophomores What: Earn scholarship money and get recognized How: Apply in Naviance Deadline for application: November 2 nd **Follow the instructions precisely
Facebook (Allen High School Key Club) Website ( Remind 101: Send a text to with the
Contract Dues Forms (2 paper forms, 1 online form)