Upper secondary school completion and LFS ETS WG, 22-23 January 2004 Agenda Item 9 document ETS09.02
Upper secondary school completion The Survey on ISCED 3C Main objectives: To improve ISCED implementation in LFS To improve dissemination of data on educational attainment Doc ETS -09.02
Current dissemination of education attainment level LOW MEDIUM HIGH No educ ISCED 3A/B ISCED 5 ISCED 1 ISCED 3C >= 3 years ISCED 6 ISCED 2 ISCED 3C < 3 years ISCED 4
Proposed dissemination of education attainment level LOW INTERMEDIATE HIGH No educ ISCED 3A/B ISCED 5 ISCED 1 ISCED 3C >= 3 years ISCED 6 ISCED 2 ISCED 3C < 3 years ISCED 4
Short mapping programme name ISCED level/ orientation Entrance Requirem Certific. awarded LFS coding starting age duration …. …..
The Survey on ISCED 3C The survey was launched in October 2003 The request was addressed to LFS-Education Subgroup 23 countries replayed, 5 did not Main results The 3-year boundary is not appropriate for: France The Netherlands Poland Slovenia United Kingdom Most countries do not give a code to qualifications awarded in ISCED 3C programmes shorter than 2 years
% of 25-64 years old having attained an ISCED 3C qualification 2002
Proposed dissemination of Attainment level LOW INTERMEDIATE HIGH No educ ISCED 3A/B ISCED 5 ISCED 1 ISCED 3C >= 2 years ISCED 6 ISCED 2 ISCED 3C < 2 years ISCED 4
Intermediate level _Option A Not leading to tertiary ISCED 3C > = 2 years Leading to tertiary (incl. post.-secondary) ISCED 3A/B + ISCED 4 A/B/C Intermediate level _Option B Not leading to tertiary ISCED 3C > = 2 years + ISCED 4C Leading to tertiary ISCED 3A/B + ISCED 4A/B
Proposals summary To change ISCED 3C boundary for “short and long“ from 3 years to 2 years; For dissemination: To combine ISCED 3C < 2 years with ISCED 1 / 2 in the category LOW and To replace the category MEDIUM (ISCED3A/B/C + ISCED4) with INTERMEDIATE (ISCED 3A/B/C >= 2 years + ISCED4) To subclassify INTERMEDIATE in: a. not leading to tertiary and leading to tertiary + post-secondary b. not leading to tertiary and leading to tertiary
Decision process ETS WG is asked to comment on the proposals The proposals and the comments by the ETS WG will be reported to the LFS-Education Subgroup (April 2004) LFS-Education Subgroup will make recommendations to Employment Statistics WG Employment statistics WG will take the final decision (October 2004)
Countries for which the 3 years boundary is not appropriate France The Netherlands Poland Slovenia United Kingdom
% of 25-64 year old that has completed ISCED 3/4
% of 25-64 years old having attained an ISCED 3C qualification 2002
% of 25-64 year old that has completed ISCED 3/4