Autodesk Building Systems 2007 Top 10 Features A Better Faster AutoCAD for Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing engineering for buildings AMS | CAD Consulting Group Autodesk Presentation Title
Construction Documents ABS 2007 Top 10 Features Ease of Use Ease of Migration “Lines, Arcs & Circles” Construction Documents The focus of Autodesk Building Systems 2007 is in three main areas. Ease of Use… Increase Efficiency with Improved Drafting Productivity. Reduce drafting time by working with tools designed specifically for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) designers and drafters. Adapt and easily customize Autodesk Building Systems to existing AutoCAD-based workflows and flexibly implement it where appropriate to improve the design process. Take advantage of Building Systems enhanced single-line and double-line system design and layout productivity tools, and spend less time drafting and more time designing. Working in the familiar AutoCAD-based environment enables you to easily implement new design tools at your own pace. Ease of Migration from “Lines, Arcs & Circles”…Transition seamlessly from traditional drafting processes. Autodesk Building Systems enables engineers, designers and drafters to move from design to documentation faster through the automated production of construction documents with discipline-specific, AutoCAD-based tools. Increase the efficiency of the design development and construction documentation processes using actual industry-based content. Reuse design data by linking to industry-leading analysis, cost estimation, and fabrication software applications. Construction Documents…Produce Accurate Construction Documentation in Less Time. Minimize documentation coordination errors between mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering design teams as well as with architects and structural engineers within an AutoCAD-based workflow. Autodesk Building Systems helps reduce requests for information (RFIs) and costly design changes in the field by enabling more accurate and consistent construction documents. Collaborate seamlessly when you take advantage of the architectural base plans developed using AutoCAD-based software applications. Autodesk’s industry-leading DWG file format lets you easily share your work with your entire team. A Better, Faster AutoCAD for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing engineering buildings Autodesk Presentation Title
Ease of Use Ease of Migration Construction Documents Autodesk Presentation Title
1 Discipline Specific Tool Palettes Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Piping Group by size, system or shape Discipline specific Purpose based for MEP Benefit… save time on training, find drafting tools easily Ensure that all team members have the right tools for the job. A discipline-specific engineering tool palette shows only the relevant tools for the mechanical, electrical or plumbing engineering user, providing consistency across project drawings. You can organize the tool palette to specific company or individual preferences. Now engineers, designers and drafters can easily modify for size, shape, system type and much more by in-place editing of the tool palette. Simply select the tools you want to change and modify the common properties at once, streamlining the design process and improving productivity. Autodesk Presentation Title
2 Single Line & Double Line Piping Single line and double line by size Scaled fittings for plotting clarity In Autodesk Building Systems 2007 the user will be able to assign which pipes, pipe fittings, flex pipes, custom pipe fittings, and MvParts will be displayed in double line, single line, or graphical 1-line by pipe size. Now you can show a mixed representation of double line and single within the same drawing. For small size pipe, you might want to show it in graphical 1-line. The valves and fittings will use schematic symbols that will scale depending on the drawing scale. For double and single line the fittings and valves will maintain it’s true size. Your settings will be maintain in both model and plan view. This will allow you to show your construction documents the way you want. Benefit… create construction documents that clearly represent your designs when plotted Autodesk Presentation Title
3 More Grips & On Screen Editing Grips to flip, move, array, rotate Edit on screen Sticky move With more grips and on screen editing, you can enhance your design productivity by focusing on the design and documentation rather than the command line. Use grips to flip takeoffs, fittings, inline equipment such as valves and much, much more. Use grips to lengthen pipe, duct, cable trays, and conduit and put in the desired length by using the on screen dynamic dimensions. Sticky move allows you to move equipment or fittings and the connected system run moves with it. This will increase your production speed when making modifications to your design. Benefit… speed up productivity by focusing on design and documentation Autodesk Presentation Title
Ease of Use Ease of Migration Construction Documents Improved Workflow Autodesk Presentation Title
4 Convert AutoCAD 2D Symbols to Autodesk Building Systems Content Convert AutoCAD blocks Convert symbols Batch convert all Create your construction documents using your existing AutoCAD 2D blocks and symbols as Autodesk Building Systems devices and schematic symbols. Quickly and easily convert a 2D block to a device using the “Convert Device” command. You can also convert multiple 2D blocks to devices and schematic symbols using the Autodesk Building Systems batch device converter tool. Migrating to Autodesk Building Systems is now faster than ever. You can also convert blocks to MVParts to greatly increase library of parts and equipment. Benefit… easily convert 2D symbols and blocks to Autodesk Building Systems content Autodesk Presentation Title
5 Work with Enhanced AutoCAD Commands in ABS Copy, snap, align in 1step Array along duct, pipe, conduit Since Autodesk Building Systems is built on AutoCAD, you will save training time by using the AutoCAD commands that you are used to. Some AutoCAD commands have been enhanced in Autodesk Building Systems and will increase your speed and productivity by using one command instead of three separate commands to accomplish the same task. Now you can copy or move, rotate, and align in one easy step. Simply select items like a pipe segment and valve that is on a horizontal branch that you wish to copy to a vertical run, and it will automatically rotate the pipe segment and valve to the correct orientation, then snap and align correctly to the vertical run. ABS will array entire branch runs along duct, pipe, conduit or cable tray, while snapping to the existing or new run. Benefit… increase productivity using one command instead of three Autodesk Presentation Title
6 Templates for Company Standards Location for company standards System definitions, layer key styles Drawing consistency Templates are the primary location to store and implement company standards. Drawing consistency is maintained by using templates to make all of your construction documents the same. All of the system definitions, layer key styles, device styles, annotation labels, and other standards are managed and maintained in the templates, so if your company standards change, simply modify it here and all drawings can be updated using the template. Benefit… Easily manage company standards using templates Autodesk Presentation Title
Ease of Use Ease of Migration Construction Documents Construction Documentation Autodesk Presentation Title
7 Pipe Display by Size Display small pipe as single line Use pipe size to determine display Route by pressure class Create quality construction documents that display piping clearly and accurately. Autodesk Building Systems gives you the ability to have the auto-routing put in fitting based on the size of the pipe during layout. This gives you freedom to define specific parts for auto routing and it will dynamically change as you change the size in the add dialog. The Routing Preference are also available on the Properties Palette to enable a change to full runs of piping to different pipe objects based on the size and routing preference. Be able to define the display of piping, inline and anchored pipe components as 2-line, 1-line, or graphical 1-line based on the size of the pipe and the system. Single line and double line piping will be enabled in the Plan and Model display reps. Select the pressure class and type of flange when routing the piping. Benefit… Create construction documents that display and plot piping with clarity Autodesk Presentation Title
8 Separate Connectors Benefit… layout piping the way it’s designed Two types of connectors on pipe Flanged, threaded, grooved & more Accurate pipe length Display piping the way it is designed for accurate construction documents. You have the freedom to mix and match connector objects on each end of pipe. The connectors available in Autodesk Building Systems are Flanged, Threaded, Socket Welded, Glued, and Grooved. The number of connectors are added or removed based on the cut length and type of connection. The connectors are separate objects which can then be reported on quantity take-offs. The engagement length of the connector is a parameter which will be added to the length of the pipe object which will enable more accurate lengths of pipe reported for the pipe quantity take-off. Benefit… layout piping the way it’s designed Autodesk Presentation Title
9 Color/Linetype Preserved in Sections Display sections accurately Layer, color & linetypes preserved Sections in seconds not hours Dramatically increase your speed and productivity with accurate sections and elevations that are created quickly and easily that plot correctly. Layer, color and linetypes are preserved as they are in plan. They look like sections should with hidden lines and lineweights included. All features are automatically created when you cut the section whether in the same drawing or on a separate sections and elevations sheet. Sections are created in seconds rather than hours. This is a major time saver over AutoCAD. Dramatically increase your speed and productivity with accurate sections and elevations that are created quickly and easily that plot to your specific color/linetype standard. Layer, color and linetypes are preserved as they are in plan. They look like sections should with hidden lines and lineweights included. All features are automatically created when you cut the section whether in the same drawing or on a separate sections and elevations sheet. Sections are created in seconds rather than hours. This is a major time saver over AutoCAD. Benefit… easily plot sections based on your specific color/ linetype standards Autodesk Presentation Title
10 Annotation Capabilities in Content Builder Created scaled schematic blocks Add text to annotation of parts Use a 2D block to show in plan view with annotation for clarity of your construction documents. Autodesk Building Systems will allow you to display a schematic view of an object rather than the model generated view. You can create a schematic block and/or annotation that scales with the changing size of the part. For example, you can use a standard schematic block of a damper instead of the top view of the model damper. The reason you would want to do this, is because the actual damper looks exactly like duct and you will not be able to easily identify all dampers in the project. Benefit… display parts based on view (plan/section) Autodesk Presentation Title