Husbands Mystery: Christ Church Wives.


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Presentation transcript:

Husbands Mystery: Christ Church Wives

Husbands Mystery: Christ Church Wives Headship: Divine call to leadership, protection, and provision in the home Husbands Mystery: Christ Church Wives

Husbands Mystery: Christ Church Wives Headship: Divine call to leadership, protection, and provision in the home Husbands Mystery: Christ Church Wives Submission: placement under another – wife honors headship of husband, affirming with reverence .

Christ – Church Husbands -Wives Wives unto husbands as unto the Lord – Be subject - in everything ( Eph. 5:22-24, Col. 3:18, Lk. 2:51, Rom. 13:1,5)

Christ – Church Husbands -Wives Wives unto husbands as unto the Lord – Be subject - in everything ( Eph. 5:22-24, Col. 3:18, Lk. 2:51, Rom. 13:1,5) Husbands (Eph. 5:25-30) – Sacrificial love – saving(v. 23), sanctifying, providing for their future nourishment and warmth –one body- one flesh.

Christ – Church Husbands -Wives Wives unto husbands as unto the Lord – Be subject - in everything ( Eph. 5:22-24, Col. 3:18, Lk. 2:51, Rom. 13:1,5) Husbands (Eph. 5:25-30) – Sacrificial love – saving(v. 23), sanctifying, providing for their future nourishment and warmth –one body- one flesh. Husbands severally, each one – his own wife – LOVE AS HIMSELF (v. 33) wife – REVERENCE (FEAR) HER HUSBAND