Different Ways of Thinking Today – The ‘Body’ Way of Thinking 1 Corinthians 12
1st U Think of Your Gifts/Abilities As God Given And For The Benefit of The Body 1 Corinthians 12:7 God gave to you for others God gave you for others
2nd U Think of Yourself As One Member Of A Multi-Member Body 1 Corinthians 12:12, 14 U are not more important than others U are not less important than others We are all important to each other U need what others have to offer Others need what you have to offer U are connected to other parts of the body
3rd U Think of The Church As The Body of Christ And Yourself As A Member 1 Corinthians 12:27 Implication of this verse
When You Think of Church Think... [Sorry if your picture not included, could not find pictures of everybody!]
The ‘Body’ Way Of Thinking When you think of your gifts/abilities/resources, do you think how you might use them for the church? What do you think church membership means? Why does FBC need church members? Diversity and unity need to both exist in a church what does this mean for you? You can encourage others by … ‘Body’ way of thinking is not thinking about yourself, it is thinking about others. Church Etiquette and thinking about others…
The ‘Body’ Way of Thinking … One Another