Definition (universal) Definition (local) Responsibilities


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Presentation transcript:

Definition (universal) Definition (local) Responsibilities Church membership Definition (universal) Definition (local) Responsibilities

CHURCH MEMBERSHIP What defines membership in the church in a universal sense? Definition of the church. The church is the body of Christ. Eph. 1:22-23 Jesus is the Savior of this body. Eph. 5:23 Thus, the church is the sum total of all of those whom Jesus has saved. Re-phrased question. What must I do to become a part of Christ’s church? Or, what must I do to be saved?


CHURCH MEMBERSHIP To be a member of the church (in a universal sense), I must: Become a Christian. Remain Faithful. Acts 2:47, “and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

CHURCH MEMBERSHIP What defines membership in the church in a local sense? A person must be a baptized believer to be a member of a local church. A person must be living a faithful life in order to be a member of a local church. A person must express a desire to be a part of a local church. A person must be accepted by the church in order to be a member of that local church.